Friday, May 8, 2009

What is Jesus nature?

Do you know the story entitled the Man and the Scorpion? As I read that story many things come up to my mind... Do you want to know the story? The story goes this way...

There was a man who saw a scorpion drowning in the water. He decided to save it by stretching out His finger but the scorpion tried to sting Him. The man tried again but the scorpion did the same thing. A man nearby told Him to stop saving that scorpion but the man said; "It is the nature of the scorpion to sting and it is my nature to love. Should I give up my my nature to love just because it is the nature of the scorpion to sting?

JESUS CHRIST??? What was His nature ? As I ponder on this story. I remember my attitude like a scorpion. How many times I had stingged God? how many times i've hurted and diisobey Him. I act just like a scorpion when God tried His loving finger to rescue me from the danger of drowning in the lake of fire. You know it cost His precious life just to save me and you and all of us. He died on the cross and paid in full what we ought to pay(John 3:16)... Amazing love He did.... He still loves us even if we sting Him and continously stinging Him.

Now what is also the nature of other people towards GOd? Towards us Christians? Should we also stop loving and caring for the souls of other people just because they also stings us? as what 1 John 3:16 says This is how love is JESUS CHRIST laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our life for our brothers. Simply amazing John 3:16 is easy to accept but how about 1 John 3:16?

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